Thursday, November 25, 2010

Virtual Shopping on Second Lift

 It seem pretty cool to change your appearance which you can't do it in life. It seem like they look quite perfect and have a very nice features too. You can get to customize every small detail like your body shape and etc. Definitely shopping on E-shopping spree is different from SecondLife. The thing that you buy are much more real compare to virtual shopping. The challenging part is that it is hard to control where you are flying or walking and  have to view one by one.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

I realized that it is so troublesome to do research because there are millions of things to look at it. During lesson, we are suppose to find similar words and there is no right or wrong for that. I was quite impressed by the function/features. It help us to be more specific for our research and make it more easy to research on the information we want. The next thing is about discussion forum, it was kind of weird talking to someone that you don't know and we are suppose to discuss and give opinion. It was good experience and you can see others opinion which can be useful to our resseach.
that's all for my reflection. Have a good weekend!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

About me!!

My name is Low Shi Pei, Kelly. All my friends call me kelly instead of my chinese name. I do have many nicknames like jelly, pei pei and so on. Currently studying Business Information Techcology at Temasek Polytechnic. My favourite past time are cycling, watching television, shopping and more. I do not have any favourite singer nor TV programme. but usually, i will listen more on chinese song than english. I like to dance and stay out with my friends the whole night chatting. Uusally our hang out place will be at starbuck or coffee bean. I guess my favourite internet sites are like facebook, yahoo which i can read news over there.

Singing is one of my skill and im really passionate about it. Before you sing, do not eat any spicy food.
Here is the link on singing techniques :

Have a good day!!